Hear from AmPac Business Capital about programs that black owned businesses used to buy their commercial real estate for their business, which elevated their wealth, stabilized their business , and helped them to create new jobs in their communities.
Learn more about how “IT IS POSSIBLE!”
Ask questions about how YOU can do it TOO!
Where: Zoom (Virtual)
Register in advance for this webinar:
– 3:00 p.m. – 3:10 p.m.
Welcome to the webinar/Ground Rules/About AmPac Business Capital
– 3:10p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Hilda Kennedy
The SBA 504 PROGRAM; how it works?
-3:30– 3:45 – Janine Warren
Closing remarks/wrap up/final audience questions – 3:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The WHY of the Panel this Year
AmPac launched a Down payment Assistance/Liquidity Replacement Program called “It Is Possible!” This program focuses on women led and Black and Latino led businesses. With the generous impact investment of Edward Life Science, AmPac is able to make this program available throughout the State of California.
Our “Why” for This Program:
Total SBA 504 loans grew over the last six years from $1.1 Billion to almost $2 Billion. Black owned businesses obtaining SBA 504 loans averaged less than 2% of all 504 loans. In contrast, pre-pandemic, these groups of businesses grew more than 30%. The wealth gap continues to show declines with the average wealth for white families being eight times the wealth of the typical black family and five times the wealth of the typical Hispanic family.
Real estate ownership builds wealth! Come Learn the POSSIBILITIES for YOU!
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